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Get weights by index

In this section you will find a list for get type def of the layer weight.

Dense Gets the weights of the Dense layer selected by the index.
Embedding Gets the weights of the Embedding layer selected by the index.
AdditiveAttention Gets the weights of the AdditiveAttention layer selected by the index.
Attention Gets the weights of the Attention layer selected by the index.
MultiHeadAttention Gets the weights of the MultiHeadAttention layer selected by the index.
Conv1D Gets the weights of the Conv1D layer selected by the index.
Conv2D Gets the weights of the Conv2D layer selected by the index.
Conv3D Gets the weights of the Conv3D layer selected by the index.
ConvLSTM1D Gets the weights of the ConvLSTM1D layer selected by the index.
ConvLSTM2D Gets the weights of the ConvLSTM2D layer selected by the index.
ConvLSTM3D Gets the weights of the ConvLSTM3D layer selected by the index.
Conv1DTranspose Gets the weights of the Conv1DTranspose layer selected by the index.
Conv2DTranspose Gets the weights of the Conv2DTranspose layer selected by the index.
Conv3DTranspose Gets the weights of the Conv3DTranspose layer selected by the index.
DepthwiseConv2D Gets the weights of the DepthwiseConv2D layer selected by the index.
SeparableConv1D Gets the weights of the SeparableConv1D layer selected by the index.
SeparableConv2D Gets the weights of the SeparableConv2D layer selected by the index.
BatchNormalization Gets the weights of the BatchNormalization layer selected by the index.
LayerNormalization Gets the weights of the LayerNormalization layer selected by the index.
PReLU 2D Gets the weights of the PReLU2D selected by the index.
PReLU 3D Gets the weights of the PReLU3D selected by the index.
PReLU 4D Gets the weights of the PReLU4D selected by the index.
PReLU 5D Gets the weights of the PReLU5D selected by the index.
Bidirectional Gets the weights of the Bidirectional layer selected by the index.
GRU Gets the weights of the GRU selected by the index.
LSTM Gets the weights of the LSTM layer selected by the index.
RNN (GRU) Gets the weights of the RNN selected by the index.
RNN (LSTM) Gets the weights of the RNN selected by the index.
RNN (SimpleRNN) Gets the weights of the RNN selected by the index.
SimpleRNN Gets the weights of the SimpleRNN selected by the index.
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