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In this section you’ll find a list of all model fonctionalities.

Summary Returns the summary of the model.
Open Log Folder When an error occurs during the execution of the model it is recorded in a temporary file.
Add Graph Adds the β€œFollowingModel” to the model.
Add Loss Selects the loss to be applied to a branch.
Merge Merge multiples graph to create a merged one.
One To Mult Allows you to retrieve the different merged graphs.
Backward Execute the backward pass of the model (all layers).
Forward by index Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
Forward by name

Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).

Automatic Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
2D Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
3D Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
4D Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
5D Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
6D Execute the forward pass of the model (alls layers).
Loss by index

Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.

Loss by name Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
Automatic Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
2D Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
3D Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
4D Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
5D Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
6D Compute the loss according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
Metrics by index

Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.

Metrics by name Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
Automatic Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
2D Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
3D Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
4D Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
5D Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
6D Compute the metric according to the one(s) selected during initialization.
Load Loads a model from a binary file.
Save Saves the model and his weights in binary file.
Free Memory Close all references.
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