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Layers resume


This VI “add to graph” defines a layer and links it to the other layers of the model.
In this section you’ll find a list of all add to graph layers available.

Add Setup and add the add layer into the model during the definition graph step.
AdditiveAttention Setup and add the additive attention layer into the model during the definition graph step.
AlphaDropout Setup and add the alpha dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Attention Setup and add the attention layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Average Setup and add the average layer into the model during the definition graph step.
AvgPool1D Setup and add the average pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
AvgPool2D Setup and add the average pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
AvgPool3D Setup and add the average pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
BatchNormalization Setup and add the batch normalization layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Bidirectional Setup and add the bidirectional layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Concatenate Setup and add the concatenate layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv1D Setup and add the convolution 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv1DTranspose Setup and add the convolution 1D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv2D Setup and add the convolution 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv2DTranspose Setup and add the convolution 2D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv3D Setup and add the convolution 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Conv3DTranspose Setup and add the convolution 3D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ConvLSTM1D Setup and add the convolution lstm 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ConvLSTM2D Setup and add the convolution lstm 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ConvLSTM3D Setup and add the convolution lstm 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Cropping1D Setup and add the cropping 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Cropping2D Setup and add the cropping 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Cropping3D Setup and add the cropping 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Dense Setup and add the dense layer into the model during the definition graph step.
DepthwiseConv2D Setup and add the depthwise convolution 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Dropout Setup and add the dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Embedding Setup and add the embedding layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Flatten Setup and add the flatten layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GaussianDropout Setup and add the gaussian dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GaussianNoise Setup and add the gaussian noise layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalAvgPool1D Setup and add the global average pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalAvgPool2D Setup and add the global average pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalAvgPool3D Setup and add the global average pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalMaxPool1D Setup and add the global max pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalMaxPool2D Setup and add the global max pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GlobalMaxPool3D Setup and add the global max pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
GRU Setup and add the gru layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Input Setup and add the input layer into the model during the definition graph step.
LayerNormalization Setup and add the layer normalization layer into the model during the definition graph step.
LSTM Setup and add the lstm layer into the model during the definition graph step.
MaxPool1D Setup and add the max pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
MaxPool2D Setup and add the max pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
MaxPool3D Setup and add the max pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
MultiHeadAttention Setup and add the multi head attention layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Multiply Setup and add the multiply layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Permute3D Setup and add the permute 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Reshape Setup and add the reshape layer into the model during the definition graph step.
RNN Setup and add the rnn layer into the model during the definition graph step.
SeparableConv1D Setup and add the separable conv 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
SeparableConv2D Setup and add the separable conv 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
SimpleRNN Setup and add the simple rnn layer into the model during the definition graph step.
SpatialDropout Setup and add the spatial dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step.
Substract Setup and add the substract layer into the model during the definition graph step.
TimeDistributed Setup and add the time distributed layer into the model during the definition graph step.
UpSampling1D Setup and add the up sampling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
UpSampling2D Setup and add the up sampling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
UpSampling3D Setup and add the up sampling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ZeroPadding1D Setup and add the zero padding 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ZeroPadding2D Setup and add the zero padding 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step.
ZeroPadding3D Setup and add the zero padding 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step.


This VI “define” allows to define a layer. It is most often used when a layer contains another one (see example Bidirectional). ​
In this section you’ll find a list of all define layers available (to use for the TimeDitributed layer).

AlphaDropout Define the alpha dropout layer according to its parameters.
AvgPool1D Define the average pooling 1D layer according to its parameters.
AvgPool2D Define the average pooling 2D layer according to its parameters.
AvgPool3D Define the average pooling 3D layer according to its parameters.
BatchNormalization Define the batch normalization layer according to its parameters.
Bidirectional Define the bidirectional layer according to its parameters.
Conv1D Define the convolution 1D layer according to its parameters.
Conv1DTranspose Define the convolution 1D transpose layer according to its parameters.
Conv2D Define the convolution 2D layer according to its parameters.
Conv2DTranspose Define the convolution 2D transpose layer according to its parameters.
Conv3D Define the convolution 3D layer according to its parameters.
Conv3DTranspose Define the convolution 3D transpose layer according to its parameters.
Cropping1D Define the cropping 1D layer according to its parameters.
Cropping2D Define the cropping 2D layer according to its parameters.
Cropping3D Define the cropping 3D layer according to its parameters.
Dense Define the dense layer according to its parameters.
DepthwiseConv2D Define the depthwise convolution 2D layer according to its parameters.
Dropout Define the dropout layer according to its parameters.
Embedding Define the embedding layer according to its parameters.
Flatten Define the flatten layer according to its parameters.
GaussianDropout Define the gaussian dropout layer according to its parameters.
GaussianNoise Define the gaussian noise layer according to its parameters.
GlobalAvgPool1D Define the global average pooling 1D layer according to its parameters.
GlobalAvgPool2D Define the global average pooling 2D layer according to its parameters.
GlobalAvgPool3D Define the global average pooling 3D layer according to its parameters.
GlobalMaxPool1D Define the global max pooling 1D layer according to its parameters.
GlobalMaxPool2D Define the global max pooling 2D layer according to its parameters.
GlobalMaxPool3D Define the global max pooling 3D layer according to its parameters.
GRU Define the gru layer according to its parameters.
LayerNormalization Define the layer normalization layer according to its parameters.
LSTM Define the lstm layer according to its parameters.
MaxPool1D Define the max pooling 1D layer according to its parameters.
MaxPool2D Define the max pooling 2D layer according to its parameters.
MaxPool3D Define the max pooling 3D layer according to its parameters.
Permute3D Define the permute 3D layer according to its parameters.
Reshape Define the reshape layer according to its parameters.
RNN Define the rnn layer according to its parameters.
SeparableConv1D Define the separable conv 1D layer according to its parameters.
SeparableConv2D Define the separable conv 2D layer according to its parameters.
SimpleRNN Define the simple rnn layer according to its parameters.
SpatialDropout Define the spatial dropout layer according to its parameters.
UpSampling1D Define the up sampling 1D layer according to its parameters.
UpSampling2D Define the up sampling 2D layer according to its parameters.
UpSampling3D Define the up sampling 3D layer according to its parameters.
ZeroPadding1D Define the zero padding 1D layer according to its parameters.
ZeroPadding2D Define the zero padding 2D layer according to its parameters.
ZeroPadding3D Define the zero padding 3D layer according to its parameters.
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