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Layers resume
This VI “add to graph” defines a layer and links it to the other layers of the model.
In this section you’ll find a list of all add to graph layers available.
Add | Setup and add the add layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
AdditiveAttention | Setup and add the additive attention layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
AlphaDropout | Setup and add the alpha dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Attention | Setup and add the attention layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Average | Setup and add the average layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
AvgPool1D | Setup and add the average pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
AvgPool2D | Setup and add the average pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
AvgPool3D | Setup and add the average pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
BatchNormalization | Setup and add the batch normalization layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Bidirectional | Setup and add the bidirectional layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Concatenate | Setup and add the concatenate layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv1D | Setup and add the convolution 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv1DTranspose | Setup and add the convolution 1D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv2D | Setup and add the convolution 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv2DTranspose | Setup and add the convolution 2D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv3D | Setup and add the convolution 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Conv3DTranspose | Setup and add the convolution 3D transpose layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ConvLSTM1D | Setup and add the convolution lstm 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ConvLSTM2D | Setup and add the convolution lstm 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ConvLSTM3D | Setup and add the convolution lstm 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Cropping1D | Setup and add the cropping 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Cropping2D | Setup and add the cropping 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Cropping3D | Setup and add the cropping 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Dense | Setup and add the dense layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
DepthwiseConv2D | Setup and add the depthwise convolution 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Dropout | Setup and add the dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Embedding | Setup and add the embedding layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Flatten | Setup and add the flatten layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GaussianDropout | Setup and add the gaussian dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GaussianNoise | Setup and add the gaussian noise layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalAvgPool1D | Setup and add the global average pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalAvgPool2D | Setup and add the global average pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalAvgPool3D | Setup and add the global average pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalMaxPool1D | Setup and add the global max pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalMaxPool2D | Setup and add the global max pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GlobalMaxPool3D | Setup and add the global max pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
GRU | Setup and add the gru layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Input | Setup and add the input layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
LayerNormalization | Setup and add the layer normalization layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
LSTM | Setup and add the lstm layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
MaxPool1D | Setup and add the max pooling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
MaxPool2D | Setup and add the max pooling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
MaxPool3D | Setup and add the max pooling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
MultiHeadAttention | Setup and add the multi head attention layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Multiply | Setup and add the multiply layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Permute3D | Setup and add the permute 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Reshape | Setup and add the reshape layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
RNN | Setup and add the rnn layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
SeparableConv1D | Setup and add the separable conv 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
SeparableConv2D | Setup and add the separable conv 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
SimpleRNN | Setup and add the simple rnn layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
SpatialDropout | Setup and add the spatial dropout layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
Substract | Setup and add the substract layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
TimeDistributed | Setup and add the time distributed layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
UpSampling1D | Setup and add the up sampling 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
UpSampling2D | Setup and add the up sampling 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
UpSampling3D | Setup and add the up sampling 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ZeroPadding1D | Setup and add the zero padding 1D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ZeroPadding2D | Setup and add the zero padding 2D layer into the model during the definition graph step. | |
ZeroPadding3D | Setup and add the zero padding 3D layer into the model during the definition graph step. |
This VI “define” allows to define a layer. It is most often used when a layer contains another one (see example Bidirectional). β
In this section youβll find a list of all define layers available (to use for the TimeDitributed layer).
AlphaDropout | Define the alpha dropout layer according to its parameters. | |
AvgPool1D | Define the average pooling 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
AvgPool2D | Define the average pooling 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
AvgPool3D | Define the average pooling 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
BatchNormalization | Define the batch normalization layer according to its parameters. | |
Bidirectional | Define the bidirectional layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv1D | Define the convolution 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv1DTranspose | Define the convolution 1D transpose layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv2D | Define the convolution 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv2DTranspose | Define the convolution 2D transpose layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv3D | Define the convolution 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
Conv3DTranspose | Define the convolution 3D transpose layer according to its parameters. | |
Cropping1D | Define the cropping 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
Cropping2D | Define the cropping 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
Cropping3D | Define the cropping 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
Dense | Define the dense layer according to its parameters. | |
DepthwiseConv2D | Define the depthwise convolution 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
Dropout | Define the dropout layer according to its parameters. | |
Embedding | Define the embedding layer according to its parameters. | |
Flatten | Define the flatten layer according to its parameters. | |
GaussianDropout | Define the gaussian dropout layer according to its parameters. | |
GaussianNoise | Define the gaussian noise layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalAvgPool1D | Define the global average pooling 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalAvgPool2D | Define the global average pooling 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalAvgPool3D | Define the global average pooling 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalMaxPool1D | Define the global max pooling 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalMaxPool2D | Define the global max pooling 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
GlobalMaxPool3D | Define the global max pooling 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
GRU | Define the gru layer according to its parameters. | |
LayerNormalization | Define the layer normalization layer according to its parameters. | |
LSTM | Define the lstm layer according to its parameters. | |
MaxPool1D | Define the max pooling 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
MaxPool2D | Define the max pooling 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
MaxPool3D | Define the max pooling 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
Permute3D | Define the permute 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
Reshape | Define the reshape layer according to its parameters. | |
RNN | Define the rnn layer according to its parameters. | |
SeparableConv1D | Define the separable conv 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
SeparableConv2D | Define the separable conv 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
SimpleRNN | Define the simple rnn layer according to its parameters. | |
SpatialDropout | Define the spatial dropout layer according to its parameters. | |
UpSampling1D | Define the up sampling 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
UpSampling2D | Define the up sampling 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
UpSampling3D | Define the up sampling 3D layer according to its parameters. | |
ZeroPadding1D | Define the zero padding 1D layer according to its parameters. | |
ZeroPadding2D | Define the zero padding 2D layer according to its parameters. | |
ZeroPadding3D | Define the zero padding 3D layer according to its parameters. |