

Find an example of a pedagogical application to better understand how HAIBAL works.

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Multi inputs/outputs signal prediction

Multi inputs/outputs signal prediction

Medium1 hours

Example of multi inputs/outputs model aim to explain how to design, train, run and integrate a model easily inside a LabVIEW architecture by using signal generation dataset.
Model is integrated inside a state machine architecture and has two inputs and two outputs.

Signal prediction Dense neural network

Signal prediction Dense neural network

Easy1 hours

Example of a 1D DNN (dense neural network) aim to explain how to design, train, run and integrate a model easily inside a LabVIEW architecture by using signal generation dataset.
Model is integrated inside a state machine architecture.

MNIST Dense neural network

MNIST Dense neural network

Easy1 hours

Example of a 1D DNN (dense neural network) aim to explain how to design, train, run and integrate a model easily inside a LabVIEW architecture by using the famous MNIST dataset.
Model is integrated inside a queue message handler architecture.

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